GLAPCE Fall Event
The Details for the 2024 Fall Event
How to get there, the Lindenwood details, and the schedule.
Just click the icons!
Just click the icons!
Directions to Lindenwood
This page has the best address to put in your navigation app and other helpful detail.
Notes for Lindenwood GuestsShould you bring towels? Where should you park? Find these answers and more here!
The 2024 Fall Event Schedule
What happens when while we are together at Lindenwood.
What does it mean to be a good steward of God's magnificent creation? How can we fulfill our responsibility for caring for this world in our work and in our lives?
Join us to consider these questions, to reflect in a beautiful setting, and to connect with your colleagues in the ministry of faith formation.
Jessica MauldinKeynote Speaker
Jessica Maudlin has been with the Hunger Program since 2009. She’s currently the PC(USA)’s Associate for Sustainable Living and Earth Care Concerns. She resources Presbyterians as they address issues of faith, lifestyle choices and sustainability. She works with Earth Care Congregations, congregations that made special commitments to care for God’s earth in four categories: worship, education, facilities, and outreach. Her background includes an emphasis on Liberation Theology.
Our Mission OfferingThe contributions to the Presbyterian Tree Fund receives are reserved exclusively for tree-planting and carbon sequestration projects. We know that as trees grow, they help stop climate change. They remove carbon dioxide from the air, store carbon, and release oxygen. With your gifts, the Presbyterian Hunger Program will be able to allocate more funds to global and domestic partners that actively are curbing the impacts of climate change.