Paper, Ink, Rubber Stamps…Oh My!
A hand made card or note is a sweet way to recognize events in people’s lives. This hands-on workshop will give participants the opportunity to learn about rubber stamping and create one-of-a-kind greetings to share.
Workshop Leader: Priscilla Andre-Colton is a retired certified Christian educator, former secretary for APCE, and an avid rubber stamper. She also currently serves as co-director for the 2019 APCE Annual Event in Galveston, TX
Come! Come! Everybody, Worship!
“Jesus put the child in the midst of them.” How can we teach our congregations and worship leaders to make a place for children in worship in a way that is a blessing to the children and the congregation? Rev. Dennis, Associate Pastor for Children and Family Ministry at Second Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis will share resources for Wiggle Worship, a child-centered worship experience, as well as child welcoming resources for other worship contexts.
Workshop Leader: The Rev. Caroline Dennis is the Associate Pastor for Children and Family Ministry at Second Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis, IN. She serves on the GLAPCE Board as our Vice President.
Art for Everyone
Anyone can be an artist! This workshop will explore fun and failproof art techniques that can be adapted to various ages, themes and liturgical seasons. We will learn how to marbleize paper, collage and construct several projects that will surely encourage even the least confident participants. No artistic experience required.
Workshop Leader: Dr. Shari LeMonnier is a painter and sculptor. She is a professor of Painting and Drawing at Purdue University Northwest and works as the Visual Arts Minister at Westminster Presbyterian Church. Shari has lived and exhibited world-wide, including Egypt, Greece, Germany, and France and extensively throughout the U.S. She has been the recipient of numerous awards and honors including the John Quincy Adams Fellowship from the Art Institute of Chicago, an Indiana Arts Commission grant, and National Endowment for the Arts supported projects. Most recently she has received recognition from the Middle East Council of Churches, the Embassy of Afghanistan, and the White House for her spiritual and peace related painting.
Belonging and Belief: the Congregation as your Best Confirmation Resource
Confirmation is fundamentally tied to a congregation. Better than any lesson plan, the church can help model, teach, and learn alongside your students. Moreover, the church is laboratory where your students can model, teach and shape the congregation. When this is a shared process, the whole church grows. This workshop will focus on adaptable ways you can engage your whole congregation in confirmation.
Workshop Leader: Rachel Pedersen is the Associate Pastor for Children and Family Ministry at Bryn Mawr Presbyerian Church outside Philadelphia, PA. Prior to serving in Bryn Mawr, she was the associate pastor at First Presbyterian Church, in Bloomington, Indiana. While in Bloomington, she completed her Certification as a Christian Educator. She loves confirmation and has had the privilege of working with confirmation classes ranging from 1-30 students and being a mentor, leader, and confirmand herself.
Nuts and Bolts of Being a Christian Educator
It’s wonderful to live in a time where so many time-saving resources are available. Technology and other factors give us tools our forebearers didn’t even dream of. At the same time, our work often boils down to human connections. This workshop will be about quite old practices as well as new opportunities. Care of volunteers, teacher training, and a smattering of tech tools will be among the topics. The group will be invited to share ideas also.
Workshop Leader: Malinda Spencer has served in Christian education at the congregational, presbytery, and national church levels. She currently works for the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation in curriculum training and marketing.
Stewardship for Everyone!
Here is the Church, Here is the Steeple, Open the Doors and See all the People……
…..engaging in Intergenerational Stewardship Activities
…..teaching the youngest child about giving
…..playing Gratitude Games
If you would like to OPEN your doors and SEE all your people ENGAGED in year round STEWARDSHIP ACTIVITIES, this workshop is for you!
Workshop Leader: Gina M. Struensee is the Director of Christian Education at First Presbyterian Church in Neenah, WI and is a Christian Education Associate in the PCUSA.
If You Dread Meetings, You Will Love This Workshop!
This fast-paced, inspiring, confidence-building, hands-on workshop is for those who are committed to improving their skills as facilitative leaders. No previous experience is required. Make your meetings the ones everyone wants to attend!
Workshop Leader: Anne Wilson has served as an educator at 4 churches in Houston. She has also served on & chaired numerous committees of the presbytery. Anne is a past-president and Life Achievement Award recipient of APCE and is the co-chair of the 2019 APCE Annual Event in Galveston. She enjoys meetings! Join her for this one.